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Personal Pages

We are Robert and Diana Bender.

We love the Lord and give all glory, honor, and praise to Him.

We have a heart for animals, and enjoy the out-of-doors, and we do what we can to help spread awareness of animal welfare issues and common sense environmental concerns.

We currently share our lives with two formerly homeless cats and one dog I found abandoned. We also have five rescued horses; two mustang mares, a bay pony mare, a pinto gelding, and a pinto mare, plus a golden red hinny (donkey from horse sire & female donkey). They are all much loved and very spoiled, and are a blessing and a delight to us. They are all "fixed" so as not to contribute to the tragic problem of pet overpopulation.

Some of our other interests include Bible study, music, books, computers, preventive medicine, various crafts, and bicycling.

We live in Texas, in the heart of Bluebonnet Country. Our little 125 acre farmland is a haven for us, as well as for the abundant and varied wildlife with which we share it.
There are deer, possums, squirrels, armadillos, rabbits, skunks, coyotes, wild boar, raccoons, and even an occasional bobcat. We live in a "flyway" zone and so we have just about every bird imaginable, from bluebirds to painted buntings, cardinals, hummingbirds, mockingbirds, robins, cedar waxwings, swallows, woodpeckers, flickers, road runners, goldfinch, blue jays, owls, egrets, meadow larks, herons, plovers, killdeer, scissor tails, shrikes, hawks, crows, buzzards, and more. We also have so many species of butterflies that we still haven't identified them all.
The abundance and beauty of the wildflowers in this part of the state is unsurpassed anywhere. There are literally hundreds of varieties of flowers and grasses here, as well as dozens of types of trees such as live oak, water oak, red oak, pecan, elm, sycamore, wild plum, redbud, wild persimmon, etc., etc., etc. 
We do our best to maintain a natural, unpolluted, and harassment-free environment for all, and are rewarded with many wildlife sightings.

Bluebonnets are the state flower of Texas. To see some bluebonnet photos taken on our property, please click on the heart below.

We are actively involved in a worthwhile organization called
True Blue Animal Rescue (TBAR).
It is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to helping all animals in need, and is a no-kill facility which was created in an effort to educate people about caring for animals and to provide alternative care for animals when their owners are no longer able to support them. I hope you will take a few minutes to visit the website.


If you like Outlook Express Stationery you can get plenty of free stationery from
Diana's Stationery at my other domain, Threebac .


If you have any comments, questions, or problems, please email us.


We plan to keep adding to these pages so please come back and visit again soon.